Fantastic 4 Bed/3 Bath Family Home!

Now available and waiting for YOU! Close to schools, parks, shopping, and dining.


917 Balto Drive, Shelbyville, IN 46176


This Traditional American-styled 2-story home offers spacious rooms and tons of storage space. Featuring an adorable and private backyard that includes a patio and partially fenced yard for your family to enjoy, this home is located in a great neighborhood that provides walking trails and a park. In the front, there is a covered patio to greet your friends and neighbors. And what a great floor plan! With 4 bedrooms and 3 baths, you will have plenty of room to spread out and even room to grow. Providing coziness with an eat-in kitchen there is also a fireplace in the living room. Upstairs there are great sized bedrooms with great closet space. And don't forget the separate laundry area. With an attached 2 car garage, this home offers something for everyone! Make this your next home now. 

  • Square Feet


  • Bedrooms


  • Year Built


  • Bathrooms



917 Balto Drive Shelbyville IN 46176

Recent Sales Nearby Schools

    Data is derived from many original sources including but not limited to public records, the census bureau, and local municipalities/school districts. Data is deemed accurate but not warranted.
      Data is derived from many original sources including but not limited to public records, the census bureau, and local municipalities/school districts. Data is deemed accurate but not warranted.
      The percent of households
      occupied byRenters
      The percent of households
      occupied byOwners

      Additional Information

      • Generally, a low concentration of renters and a higher percentage of owners is best for rising values.
      • Total dwellings in this area: 0
      The average commute time of workers living in this area 0

      Additional Information

      • Workers who commute by carpool: 0
      • Workers who commute as solo drivers: 0
      • Workers who bicycle to work: 0
      • Workers with a commute time of over an hour: 0
      household income
      The median annual household income in this area is 0

      Additional Information

      • Average individual income of people in the area: 0
      property taxes
      The average property taxes in this area are: 0

      Area Details

      Click on the icons below to check out facts and figures about the surrounding area.

      Rent vs. Own

      The concentration of renters in a neighborhood can impact property values.


      A nice neighborhood mixed with an easy drive to work is the right recipe for rising values.


      Average area incomes can often be reflected in the value of neighborhood homes.

      Cost of Living

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      Real estate is more than selling or buying houses. Trust Michelle Ensminger to help you find just the right community and a perfect place to call home.

      Michelle Ensminger

      Michelle Ensminger

      The status of this listed property is subject to change at any time. This includes but is not limited to prior and/or active offers, pending status, price changes, withdrawal from the market and/or expiration of the listing. The information provided here is compiled from several sources and is believed accurate but not warranted. For status or to inquire further, please use the contact form provided or contact us using the information listed above.

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      Want to see what a change in the purchase price or down payment options may mean for the monthly payment? Enter your figures here to find out.
      Sales Price: $0
      Down Payment: 0% ($0)
      Interest Rate: 0%
      Term: 0
      Tax Factor: 0%
      Insurance Factor: 0%
      Condo/HOA: $0
      MI Factor: 0
      SP/UFMIP: 0

      Approx. Monthly Payment

      • P&I Payment:$0
      • Taxes:$0
      • Insurance:$0
      • MI/PMI:$0
      • Condo/Co-op/HOA:$0
      $0 Total

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      More than just great rates and a wide variety of available financing options, Luann DeMott provides expert service that is second to none.

      Luann  DeMott

      Luann DeMott

      Branch Manager | NMLS# 438586

      The information here is provided as a general guide to help you determine if a property may be viable for you. Rates, APR's & programs are illustrations subject to change at any time. These do not constitute a 'Loan or Good Faith Estimate' for payments and closing costs. Everyone's situation is different and it's best to be pre-approved for a range of potential prices, payments or loan programs. Please use the contact information below and we'll be happy to assist you on this. NMLS #42056, Corp state lic# 0910215, LO state lic#

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      it's best to be sure you can qualify for financing before you get serious about making offers on any property. Click the button below to schedule a call.