A Wonderful Home

Great walkable neighborhood with so many amenities!!!


4007 Addison Ranch Lane, Fulshear, TX 77441


This is a must see home in Churchill Farms. Located on a corner lot with a subdivision easement behind, enjoy no rear neighbors and an access gate to the easement. A neighborhood park is located right across the street. The floor plan is desireable with the primary bedroom and 2 additional bedrooms on the first floor. The office with french doors offers privacy for owners working from home. The kitchen has a breakfast area, an island and copious amounts of cabinets. The walk in pantry is tall and offers a great deal of storage. Check out the attic! Built in storage and decked space over the garage offer all the storage a 4 bedroom home needs! The backyard is the oasis everyone is seeking. Gas stubs in 2 locations on the patio. A water feature and multiple spots to position a tables for family and guests. Zoned to the highly acclaimed Katy School District. A great walkable neighborhood with so many amenities. This home checks all the boxes! New HVAC!! 

  • Square Feet


  • Bedrooms


  • Year Built


  • Bathrooms



4007 Addison Ranch Lane Fulshear TX 77441

Recent Sales Nearby Schools

    Data is derived from many original sources including but not limited to public records, the census bureau, and local municipalities/school districts. Data is deemed accurate but not warranted.
      Data is derived from many original sources including but not limited to public records, the census bureau, and local municipalities/school districts. Data is deemed accurate but not warranted.
      The percent of households
      occupied byRenters
      The percent of households
      occupied byOwners

      Additional Information

      • Generally, a low concentration of renters and a higher percentage of owners is best for rising values.
      • Total dwellings in this area: 0
      The average commute time of workers living in this area 0

      Additional Information

      • Workers who commute by carpool: 0
      • Workers who commute as solo drivers: 0
      • Workers who bicycle to work: 0
      • Workers with a commute time of over an hour: 0
      household income
      The median annual household income in this area is 0

      Additional Information

      • Average individual income of people in the area: 0
      property taxes
      The average property taxes in this area are: 0

      Area Details

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      Rent vs. Own

      The concentration of renters in a neighborhood can impact property values.


      A nice neighborhood mixed with an easy drive to work is the right recipe for rising values.


      Average area incomes can often be reflected in the value of neighborhood homes.

      Cost of Living

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      Real estate is more than selling or buying houses. Trust Michael Russell to help you find just the right community and a perfect place to call home.

      Michael Russell

      Michael Russell


      The rates displayed are for a primary residence transactions only, second home and/or investment property financing may vary. Second home purchases require 20% down. This is for The information here is provided as a general guide to help you determine if a property may be viable for you. Rates, APR's & programs are illustrations subject to change at any time. These do not constitute a 'Loan or Good Faith Estimate' for payments and closing costs. Rate adjusts daily and can change until the rate is locked. APR is the total cost of credit expressed as a single percentage number that represents the actual cost of funds over the life of the loan.

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      Sales Price: $0
      Down Payment: 0% ($0)
      Interest Rate: 0%
      Term: 0
      Tax Factor: 0%
      Insurance Factor: 0%
      Condo/HOA: $0
      MI Factor: 0
      SP/UFMIP: 0

      Approx. Monthly Payment

      • P&I Payment:$0
      • Taxes:$0
      • Insurance:$0
      • MI/PMI:$0
      • Condo/Co-op/HOA:$0
      $0 Total

      Get to Know your Mortgage Pro

      More than just great rates and a wide variety of available financing options, Michael McClure provides expert service that is second to none.

      Michael  McClure

      Michael McClure

      Sr. Mortgage Banker | 337581

      The information here is provided as a general guide to help you determine if a property may be viable for you. Rates, APR's & programs are illustrations subject to change at any time. These do not constitute a 'Loan or Good Faith Estimate' for payments and closing costs. LeaderOne Financial Corporation, NMLS # 12007. Corporate Headquarters: 7500 College Blvd. Suite 1150, Overland Park, KS 66210 NMLS ID #12007 http://www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org. Toll Free (800) 270-3416. This advertisement does not constitute a loan approval or a loan commitment. Loan approval and/or loan commitment is subject to final underwriting review and approval., Corp state lic# LeaderOne Financial Corporation, 7500 College Blvd Suite 1150; Overland Park, KS 66210, Licensed by the Texas Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending. 7 TAC §81.200(c), LO state lic# LeaderOne Financial Corporation, 7500 College Blvd Suite 1150; Overland Park, KS 66210, Licensed by the Texas Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending. 7 TAC §81.200(c) 

      Ready to Get Started?

      Our team strives to provide our clients and real estate agents with peace-of-mind through the mortgage process is by pre-underwriting each loan to uncover any hidden challenges or questions. Whether you are 30 days or 12 months away from exploring your home financing options, let's talk today about your unique lending scenario and personal goals. Schedule a call today!